
We deploy and connect happy employees and great organizations


We make talent thrive and organizations excel, so your business succeeds.


We embrace the quirky nature of our employees and company. We are not afraid to step outside the box and come up with innovative approaches to HR issues. Our creativity allows us to provide unique solutions that meet the specific needs of each client. We dare to be different and strive to create an impact that sticks.

Toen ik vrijwel na mijn studie begon met Unfurl had ik nog beperkte ervaring en nauwelijks een idee hoe andere bedrijven zaken aanpakken. Een klant kreeg dan ook altijd een unieke oplossing. De ervaring is inmiddels toegenomen, maar het DNA is niet veranderd.
- Jolke


We understand the importance of human interaction and building strong relationships. Our approach is based on collaboration and establishing lasting connections with our clients and their employees. We actively listen to our clients' needs and concerns and strive to build a relationship of trust. Our empathy allows us to understand what is really going on within an organization, creating solutions that are truly of value.

Veel van onze consultants hebben een psychologische achtergrond. Ondanks dat onze projecten qua vraagstuk en uitvoering soms wat verder af staan van deze achtergrond, nemen we wel altijd onze inner psycholoog mee. Dat zorgt ervoor dat we in staat zijn om effectieve en verbindende veranderingen door te voeren.
- Eleana


We strongly believe in continuous progress and growth, both for our clients and ourselves. We are committed to helping organizations achieve their goals and overcome challenges at all stages of the employee journey. Our solutions focus not only on solving current problems, but also on creating a sustainable foundation for the future. We continue to learn and evolve to keep meeting the changing needs of the modern workplace.

Jezelf continu blijven ontwikkelen en streven naar vooruitgang zit in ons DNA. Wij geloven dat voor elk probleem een passende oplossing te bedenken én implementeren is. Bij Unfurl streven wij er elke dag naar dat onze klanten vooruit geholpen worden.
- Lizzy

Our attitude and behavior




Meet the HR Unfurl Team

Our services

We can support you with every people and organizational issue, in a way that suits your organization. Are you looking for someone with specific knowledge in a larger change project, or someone who can support your HR department to take the next step? We can always offer a suitable solution.

HR Consultancy

You can use us on a project basis to solve specific issues. Think of an HR implementation or training or coaching programs. Of course, we can also support you on an ongoing basis as an HR Business Partner.

HR In-house

Do you prefer a more permanent addition to your HR team for a set number of days a week? Of course you can! So you can easily upgrade or expand your HR with one of our specialists.

HR Match

Are you temporarily looking for an HR topper on an interim basis, or do you have a large project where you are looking for specific knowledge? We have a large network of HR experts, in every field and for every type of organization. We can help you find the perfect match.